E-Triloquist Technology
E-Triloquist Technology
E-Triloquist Technology helps people with ALS “Speak Easy”. E-triloquist, the personal communication aid software, formerly known as Speak Easy, has just launched its newest version 5.6, featuring additional features and enhanced performance to help give a voice to those who have lost the ability to speak on their own.
The technology was developed in 1995 by a son whose Father was diagnosed with ALS. It is a speaking device that can read typed words and phrases aloud in a human sounding voice. The program works with any standard keyboard. For those in the later stages of ALS who are unable to type, the technology can also be paired with on-screen scanners, word-predictors, single switch input, or other assistive input devices.
E-triloquist 5.6 is unique in that it includes audio features that allow the user to record his/her own voice into the program. This technology lets people with ALS who still have the use of their voice record commonly used words, phrases and sentences. The program then stores these audio clips for future use, when speech is no longer possible.
The innovative feature assures that once speech function is lost, the person with ALS can still communicate using their own distinct voice. The feature allows for all types of audio sounds to be recorded, including the voices of friends and loved ones, popular or festive songs and special effects noises.
E-triloquist technology is compatible with most PCs, comes with a comprehensive operations manual and features full support for Windows ME and Windows XP operating systems. It is available free of charge and is downloadable via the E-triloquist web site: www.etriloquist.com